Mercedes-Benz CSR donates W530m to support underprivileged kids

2022. 7. 12. 16:29
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Mercedes-Benz CSR Committee Chairman Thomas Klein (left) and Busan Mayor Park Heong-joon pose at a ceremony held to deliver funds from the 9th Give ’N’ Race to the Busan Sports Council on Monday. (Mercedes-Benz Korea)

The Mercedes-Benz CSR Committee donated 530 million won ($403,000) raised through the ninth Mercedes-Benz Give ’N’ Race to provide medical and education expenses to underprivileged children and teenagers.

The donation will be delivered to Gangnam Severance Hospital’s Rare Incurable Disease project, the Kids & Future Foundation’s Children and Youth Welfare project, the SeungIl Hope Foundation’s Lou Gehrig Disease project and Wild Flower Youth Center’s Group Home for Youth project

The funding will also be spent on the Busan Sports Council’s scholarship program to nurture young athletes and Dong-a University Hospital’s medical expense support program.

Give ’N’ Race is a charity run event that first started in 2017 to spread a culture of donating that combines sports and donations -- a representative corporate social responsibility activity of Mercedes-Benz Korea.

The ninth Give ’N’ Race Virtual Run, held across the country for two days from June 4, was held with participants of all ages and genders, according to Mercedes-Benz Korea.

When COVID-19 began spreading in 2020, the event was transformed into the contactless Give ’N’ Race Virtual Run, creating a new type of donation culture, the committee said.

By Hong Yoo(

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