Dunamu to create 10,000 jobs with 500 billion won of investment

진민지 2022. 7. 12. 16:17
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Dunamu, which operates a crypto exchange, announced Tuesday it will invest 500 billion won ($385 million) to create 10,000 new jobs over the next five years.
Dunamu CEO Lee Sirgoo [DUNAMU]

Dunamu, which operates a crypto exchange, announced Tuesday it will invest 500 billion won ($385 million) to create 10,000 new jobs over the next five years.

Dunamu said that it will open offices in major cities and develop promising startups and IT workers from suburban areas.

Dunamu plans to open offices in Busan, Daegu, Gwangju and Daejeon to help local customers consult on their crypto investments. Around a thousand new jobs will be created at the offices, said the company.

Graduates from local universities will be prioritized in the recruitment and will be given an opportunity to be trained in IT, it added.

Dunamu said it plans to create 8,000 new jobs through the development of around 500 promising startups.

It said providing specific software and investment are some of the options the company is considering. The programs will help the startups enter the Web 3.0 industry.

Web 3.0 is the third generation of the internet where websites and apps are designed to process information in a smart human-like way.

Some of the startups may be able to branch out overseas through connected services of Dunamu subsidiaries, it added.

The project is part of its effort to raise Korea’s competitiveness in Web3.0, said Dunamu.

Founded in 2012, Dunamu invested 88 billion won in blockchain and fintech startups since 2018.

Dunamu “continuously tries to generate jobs for the youth,” said Lee Sirgoo, a Dunamu CEO in a statement. “We plan to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic industry through an active investment and creation of jobs of the newly growing future industries, like blockchain, NFT and metaverse.”

BY JIN MIN-JI [jin.minji@joongang.co.kr]

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