Samsung Display achieves 85% production yield for QD-OLED in H1

Jung Yoo-jung and Lee Ha-yeon 2022. 7. 5. 14:06
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[Source: Samsung Display Co.]
South Korean display giant Samsung Display Co. has bolstered its production yield in quantum dot-based OLED panels to 85 percent, an appeal that can draw more TV makers to choose the panel for high-end TVs.

Samsung Display CEO Choi Joo-sun confirmed during a meeting with employees on Monday the company has achieved 85 percent production yield in the panel for large TVs, which is the number of good panels as a percentage of the total number of panels produced. Higher yield leads to lower fixed cost per panel, thus enhancing price competitiveness.

The world’s top vendor of OLED panels for smartphones and laptops also said sales of the company’s small-to-medium size panels were best-ever in the first half by rising 10 percent on year.

The production yield for big panels sharply improved from 50 percent range in the early phase of mass production in November last year.

Samsung Display CEO Choi Joo-sun
Through enhanced productivity, it would be able to attract more customers for its large QD-OLED panels. Sony and Dell Technologies recently released TVs and gaming monitors equipped with Samsung Display’s QD-OLED panels, while Samsung Electronics unveiled its QD-OLED TV lineup for the North American and European markets.

Its small- and medium-sized OELD panel business fare better than competitors in the first half of this year despite softened demand for smartphones due to high inflation from the Russia-Ukraine war and China’s virus-led lockdowns. Its solid growth was largely owed to strong sales of foldable phones.

According to market data tracker DSCC, foldable phone shipments in the first quarter soared 571 percent on year to 2.22 million units. Samsung Display was behind 85.9 percent of foldable phone display in the first quarter and 64.5 percent of the overall the small- and mid-sized OLED panel market, according to another market data tracker Omdia.

Samsung Display plans to give its workers the target achievement incentives (TAI) – 100 percent for the small- and mid-sized panel business and 75 percent for the large-sized panel business.

The company pays out TAI twice a year based on their performance, which could be maximum 100 percent of monthly salary of employees.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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