OBM AFCU MB 2022. 6. 30. 23:11
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The refugee party at Rio de Janeiro Carnival becomes film documentary

epa10043621 A handout photo made available by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) shows a group of refugee dancers during the Rio Carnival, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23 April 2022 (issued 30 June 2022). The party that twenty refugees attended at the last Rio de Janeiro Carnival has been turned into a film documentary that pays tribute to the 'resistance' of those who have had to leave everything behind to flee from persecution and conflict. The tribute is implicit in the title itself - 'Resistance. The day of the refugees in the Carnival'. The film was produced by ACNUR last April, when twenty of those foreigners welcomed in Brazil dressed up to parade with the Salgueiro samba school. EPA/Ruben Salgado / UNHCR HANDOUT IMAGE ONLY AVAILABLE TO ILLUSTRATE THE ACCOMPANYING NEWS (MANDATORY CREDIT) HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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