Nuri Successfully Released Cube Satellite by Chosun University Team, But Ground Station Confirmed Only Partial Reception of Signals

Ryu In-ha 2022. 6. 30. 15:17
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The Chosun University research team that developed the cube satellite. Courtesy of Chosun University

The performance verification satellite that went into orbit on the Korean launch vehicle Nuri (KSLV-II) successfully released a (mini) cube satellite created by a team of Chosun University students. The satellite was then able to transmit some information on its status to the ground station. However, researchers believe it may take some time for the satellite to stabilize its position.

The Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) announced that the cube satellite, STEP Cube Lab-II by the Chosun University team successfully separated at 4:50 p.m. June 29 and that the ground station received some information (beacon signals) on the satellite’s status at 3:48 a.m. June 30.

The information transmitted by the mini satellite included the satellite’s mode, position, GPS status, battery mode, and battery voltage, and according to the information, the battery mode and voltage were fine. Researchers had aimed to communicate with the satellite twenty times, but the ground station only received the signals twice.

Based on the video of the satellite release, the science ministry and KARI said the satellite was tumbling fast. The researchers explained that they managed to receive signals a few times despite that the satellite transmitted information on its status several times.

They said, “To achieve complete two-way communication, it looks like we will need more time for the satellite to stabilize its position.”

The Chosun University cube satellite is scheduled to make its next contact at 3:48 p.m. and 5:26 p.m. June 30. The ground station will receive the status information and send communication commands to the satellite.

The Nuri was loaded with four small satellites developed by four teams of students from Chosun University, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University and Yonsei University.

An official from the science ministry said, “In the past we launched cube satellites on four occasions using foreign launch vehicles, but failed to succeed in two-way communication. It’s not an easy challenge.”

In the case of the Chosun University cube satellite, the battery mode and voltage are currently in good condition, so experts expect some positive results as long as the satellite manages to stabilize its position.

The Korean launch vehicle, Nuri (KSLV-II), which was developed with domestic technology, lifts off from the Naro Space Center in Goheung, Jeollanam-do a second time in the evening of June 21. Joint press photographers

The science ministry and KARI plan to release the remaining three cube satellites as scheduled while the performance verification satellite attempts to stabilize its position. The smaller satellites are scheduled to be released on July 1 (KAIST), 3 (Seoul National University), and 5 (Yonsei University).

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