DI ase 2022. 6. 28. 21:48
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Exodus underway as Tanzania forces Maasai people from their ancestral lands

epa10038361 Tanzanian Maasai women with her children sit inside a manyatta house at a remote village bordering Kenya and Tanzania in Narok, Kenya, 23 June 2022 (issued 27 June 2022). Thousands of Maasai people have been flocking to the border between Tanzania and Kenya in recent weeks, as the Tanzanian government continues its attempts to evict members of the Nilotic ethnic group from their ancestral lands in the northern town of Loliondo. More than 2,000 Maasai crossed the border between the two countries after the outbreak of violence on 10 June, according to Kenyan activists? count. The eviction of the communities in Loliondo in the northern district of Ngorongoro threatens more than 70,000 people, according to the United Nations. EPA/Daniel Irungu

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