70 percent of northeast Asia to be 5G connected by 2027

신하늬 2022. 6. 28. 17:46
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At least seven of 10 people in northeast Asia will be using a 5G network by 2027 from the current two, according to an Ericsson report released in June.

At least seven of 10 people in northeast Asia will be using a 5G network by 2027 from the current two, according to an Ericsson report released in June.

The company’s latest report on the global network trend forecast that 5G subscriptions will reach 4.4 billion by the end of 2027, 48 percent of all mobile subscriptions worldwide, up from 7.6 percent last year.

The report cited the availability of 5G devices, 5G service prices falling faster than 4G did, and China’s aggressive 5G deployments.

The number of 5G subscriptions totaled 620 million in the first quarter this year, up by 70 million compared to the previous quarter.

“The global 5G subscriptions are expected to break 1 billion this year,” said Park Byoung-seong, a senior consultant of Ericsson-LG, during an online press briefing on the report. That is two years faster than the 4G uptake, which Park explained took 6 years to hit the 1-billion milestone.

The 5G adoption was the highest in the North American and Northeast Asian regions. North America had the highest 5G penetration with 28 percent of the mobile subscriptions being 5G, and the number is projected to hit 98 percent by 2027. The figure was 19 percent in Northeast Asia, and will reach 74 percent in five years.

The report forecast the global 5G network coverage will be expanded to 75 percent of the world's population by 2027 from the current 25 percent, and that the increase in the availability of mid-market 5G smartphone models will further accelerate the 5G use.

"A solid digital network infrastructure underpins enterprises’ digital transformation plans, and their new capabilities can be turned into new customer services," said Peter Jonsson, executive editor of Ericsson Mobility Report.

Founded in 2010, Ericsson-LG is a joint venture between Sweden’s Ericsson and LG Electronics. LG Electronics has 25 percent of the venture and Ericsson the rest.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]

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