Seegene ready to sell monkeypox test kits

채사라 2022. 6. 28. 16:43
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Seegene has developed a test for monkeypox, the test-kit maker said Tuesday.
Logo of Seegene [SEEGENE]

Seegene has developed a test for monkeypox, the test-kit maker said Tuesday.

The kit, NovaplexTM MPXV Assay, is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and produces results in 90 minutes.

Seegene will export the kits to countries badly affected by the virus including Britain.

First reported in Britain last month, monkeypox has spread to over 50 countries. Korea detected its first case on June 22.

The fatality rate for the monkeypox is from three to six percent, and it is more contagious among children and people with a weak immune system.

"Monkeypox is one example of how an endemic could spread all over the world, and it is warning us that another pandemic could always threaten human health," said Seegene CEO Chun Jong-yoon. "We will endeavor to develop products that can prevent viruses from growing into pandemics."


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