Educational Tour on Chronic Low Back Pain Hits the Road

LM 2022. 6. 27. 22:28
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IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR VERTOS MEDICAL - The Know Your Back Story educational exhibit aims to teach millions of people with chronic low back pain that it might be caused by an enlarged ligament. Learn more at and follow the #LookForTheLigament Experiential Mobile Unit Tour. Taken on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, in New York. There may be a cause of low back pain that millions of people are not aware of and that is going undiagnosed. Know Your Back Story is a national health awareness campaign that educates and encourages millions of people with chronic low back pain - which can cause pain, numbness, heaviness, or tingling in the back, legs, or buttocks when standing or walking - and their physicians to learn more about their "back story," including the potential cause, lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), screening, the importance of looking for the enlarged ligament on imaging, and potential treatment options. Visit for information about LSS and find a spine health doctor to have a conversation about steps you can take to stand longer, walk farther, and get moving! (Loren Matthew/AP Images for Vertos Medical) THIS PHOTO WAS TAKEN BY AP IMAGES FOR VERTOS MEDICAL

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