Samsung to mass produce industry's smallest pixel image sensor this year
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The ISOCELL HP3 unveiled on Thursday can reduce the camera module surface area by about 20 percent, allowing smartphone manufacturers to keep their devices slim, according to the company. It comes with a Super QPD auto-focusing solution. Super QPD uses a single lens over four-adjacent pixels to detect the phase differences in both horizontal and vertical directions, enabling a more accurate and quicker auto focusing for smartphone camera users.
The sensor also allows users to take videos in 8K at 30 frames-per-second (fps) or 4K at 120 fps, with minimal loss in the field of view when taking 8K videos. Combined with the Super QPD solution, users can take movie-like cinematic footage with their mobile devices, the company said.
The ISOCELL HP3 adopts an improved Smart-ISO Pro feature, enabling the sensor to express images in over 4 trillion colors (14-bit color depth), 64 times more colors than the predecessor’s 68 billion (12-bit). Furthermore, by supporting staggered HDR along with Smart-ISO Pro, the ISOCELL HP3 can switch between the two solutions depending on the filming environment to produce high-quality HDR images.
“Since its first 108MP image sensor roll-out in 2019, Samsung has been leading the trend of next-generation, ultra-high-resolution camera development,” said Yim Joon-seo, Executive Vice President of Sensor Business Team at Samsung Electronics. “With our latest and upgraded ISOCELL HP3, Samsung will push on to deliver epic resolutions beyond professional levels for smartphone camera users.”
[ㄏ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]
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