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epa10023982 A fountain in downtown Rome, Italy, 20 June 2022. Lazio on 20 June declared a state of calamity for drought that has hit the central Italian region and many others, especially in the north. Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti said the move was aimed at taking measures such as saving water in all activities starting with household consumption. A drought alert has spread from the Po valley, where waters are three quarters down amid the worst drought in 70 years, to central rivers like the Arno, the Aniene and the Tiber, which have half the water they normally do at this time of the year, officials said last week. While Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna are also set to request a state of emergency, authorities in the more central regions are urging a reduction in the use of water for energy and other purposes. EPA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI
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