SK geo centric exports renewable benzene from eco-friendly naphtha

Pulse 2022. 6. 20. 14:48
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[Source: SK geo centric]
SK geo centric, the eco-friendly chemicals arm of SK innovation, for the first time exported renewable benzene made from renewable naphtha.

Unlike general naphtha extracted from crude oil, renewable naphtha uses a renewable raw material extracted from waste cooking oil or palm oil, and it can be utilized to produce eco-friendly and low-carbon chemical products thanks to its low carbon benefits.

SK geo centric received renewable naphtha from Neste, the largest oil company in Finland, to produce renewable benzene through its own process at a plant in Ulsan, Korea.

SK geo centric exports its renewable benzene to German chemical company Covestro’s Chinese plant, and Covestro plans to produce eco-friendly polyurethane based on the renewable benzene.

SK geo centric’s initial shipment of renewable benzene made through Ulsan SK Pier last Tuesday was 2,000 tons.

SK geo centric said it plans to continue renewable benzene production until next year based on its partnership.

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