LG U+ to double number of IT professionals in CDO unit

신하늬 2022. 6. 9. 18:39
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LG U+ established CDO, a business unit specializing in research and development of big data technology and artificial intelligence contact centers (AICC) software, last July.
LG U+ Chief Data Officer Gabe Hwang speaks during a press conference Thursday. [LG U+]

LG U+ chief data officer said the company would double the number of IT professionals in the software business over the next two years.

LG U+ established CDO, a business unit specializing in research and development of big data technology and artificial intelligence contact centers (AICC) software, last July.

“The LG U+ CDO unit will become like a self-directed software company, utilizing our AI and data capabilities in understanding the need of our enterprise customers and doing business with them,” said Gabe Hwang, LG U+ chief data officer who is leading the CDO unit, during a press conference Thursday at the company’s headquarters in Yongsan District, central Seoul. Hwang, a former data specialist for AT&T, joined the company in January this year.

LG U+ currently has about 200 IT specialists at its CDO unit, and plans to hire 200 more by 2024, said the company.

LG U+ plans to roll out its AICC call service targeting small businesses, such as hair salons and restaurants, in August.

AICC is an automated customer service software. KT and SK Telecom began AICC businesses last year.

Unlike previous automated calling services with pre-recorded voice messages, the new service will understand customer inquiries and instantly answer with voice responses, explained LG U+. LG U+ is also providing AICC services for corporate clients, including KB Financial Group.

LG U+ has been offering business-to-business marketing big data analytics services since March this year as well. Education company Daekyo and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art are getting marketing data analysis reports from LG U+, according to the company.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]

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