North Korea fires three ballistic missiles following Biden's departure from the region

이준혁 2022. 5. 25. 11:59
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North Korea fired three ballistic missiles on Wednesday, a day after U.S. President Joe Biden wrapped up his visit to South Korea and Japan.
Photos of a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) test in February released by its official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). [YONHAP]
North Korea fired three ballistic missiles on Wednesday, a day after U.S. President Joe Biden wrapped up his visit to South Korea and Japan.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said it detected the launches as they took place at 6 a.m., 6:37 a.m. and 6:42 a.m. in the Sunan area of Pyongyang.
South Korean military authorities said they are trying to figure out the specific parameters of the missiles, including their ranges and altitudes.
As Seoul’s spy agency briefed South Korean lawmakers only last week that preparations for a long-range missile launch, including liquid fuel loading, had been detected, there is a strong possibility that Wednesday’s volley of missiles included an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).
Wednesday’s missile test took place the day after Biden, who was on a visit to U.S. allies South Korea and Japan from Friday to Tuesday, departed the region. The U.S. president’s visit to South Korea was the first since the inauguration of President Yoon Suk-yeol, and highlighted strong defense and economic ties between the two countries.
In state-run media reports, the secretive regime has touted previous tests as proof that external “hostile” forces cannot influence its foreign policy or weapons development programs.
The latest missile test comes shortly after the North held the equivalent of a state funeral for the chief of the Korean People's Army Hyon Chol-hae, and as the regime’s propaganda machine has struck a triumphant tone in its battle with its first acknowledged Covid-19 outbreak.
The missile test could be a sign of the North’s renewed confidence, or determination to push forward with its weapons development program, as it claims its Covid outbreak appears to have reached a stable level.
The missile test, the second since Yoon’s inauguration, came 13 days after the regime fired three short-range ballistic missiles from the Sunan area of Pyongyang on May 12. It is the 17th major weapons test this year.
Wednesday’s test could trigger the deployment of U.S. strategic assets to the region, depending on the nature of the missiles fired.
After the test, the JCS told reporters, "Our military has strengthened its surveillance and vigilance, and we are closely cooperating with the United States and maintaining full readiness."


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