Korean TV brands make up more than half of global sales Q1
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According to Omdia, a global market tracker, the total of TVs sold around the world in the first quarter amounted to 49 million units, down 4.3 percent from a year ago, or in value at $25.67 billion, down 6.3 percent
Samsung commanded a share of 32.9 percent, up 5.2 percentage points from the previous quarter, while LG ranked second with 17.7 percent. The Korean names made up more than half of the market, way ahead of their rivals, including China’s TCL (8.0%) and Hisense (7.6%), and Japan’s Sony (7.6%). As to the number of units sold, Samsung topped the global market with 22.5 percent, followed by LG with 12.6 percent, TCL with 10.9 percent, Sony with 8.7 percent, and Hisense with 6.1 percent.
Samsung has stayed at the top for 16 straight years, backed by upbeat sales in Neo QLED 8K and other mega-size premium models. QLED units sold around the globe amounted to 3.3 million units in the first quarter, up 23 percent from a year ago. Of the total, Samsung took 76 percent, selling 2.52 million units. Its ratio was up 25 percent from a year ago.
Samsung’s QLED sales in cumulative terms posted 28 million units in five years since its launch in 2017. If the growing trend continues in the second quarter, its sales will likely exceed 30 million units. Samsung’s Neo QLED took 40 percent of its QLED sales in the first quarter. Samsung brand accounted for 40.7 percent of 75-inch TVs and 48.1 percent of 80-inch TVs. It also took around half of the market for premium TVs worth over $2,500.
[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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