President Yoon reiterates nuclear and hydrogen role for carbon goal and energy security

Pulse 2022. 5. 24. 15:39
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[Photo by MK DB]
South Korea’s new President Yoon Suk-yeol vowed to uphold carbon neutrality goal, but through “reasonable mix” of nuclear reactors, natural gas, and renewables for power sourcing, reiterating increased role of nuclear reactors in contrast to the phase-out policy of the last administration.

“Korea has grown in unprecedentedly short period. Stable energy mix had been the main driver,” said Yoon during opening address to the 28th World Gas Conference held Tuesday in Daegu.

“The energy sector supports industries and further influences the world economy. It is not an exaggeration to say that sustainable growth and future are dependent on energy policies,” he added.

Yoon emphasized the necessity of changes and innovation to significantly reduce carbon emissions or transfer into hydrogen economy based on longer-term strategies. The government will expand investment in R&D for reduced emissions and secure hydrogen production bases at home and abroad for stable hydrogen supply chains, according to him.

[Photo by MK DB]
As for the recent volatility in energy and raw materials supply, Yoon noted the growing importance of energy security, calling for diversified sourcing and expansion in overseas investment to explore resources outside the country.

The World Gas Conference, organized by the International Gas Union since 1931, is the world’s largest and most important global gas industry event held every three years where foremost policymakers, business leaders and technical experts gather and discuss a range of strategic, commercial and technical topics facing the gas industry.

Korea hosts this year’s event as the third Asian country, joined by 12,000 participants from 90 countries and energy giants like America’s ExxonMobil, London-based BP, Germany’s Uniper, and TotalEnergies of France. In Korea, Korea Gas Corporation, Korea National Oil Corporation, SK E&S, Hyundai Motor and Doosan Fuel Cell participate in the event.

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