Korean healthcare firms actively adding foreign names on its managing board

Pulse 2022. 5. 23. 14:36
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Brent Saunders
Korean healthcare companies are active in recruiting foreign nationals with experience in multinational companies in line with their overseas penetration.

According to sources on Sunday, Hugel is set to motion appointment of Brent Saunders, former CEO of Allergan (now under AbbVie), to the board during its shareholder meeting next month. Saunders will chair the board to oversee management of the Korean botulinum toxin maker. Saunders who chaired Allergan, the world’s largest botox provider, from 2015 to 2020, is expected to boost Hugel’s advance into international markets.

Dr. Vivek Shenoy
Last month, Alteogen hired Dr. Vivek Shenoy as its chief business officer (CBO). Dr. Shenoy was responsible for business development and licensing agreements at AstraZeneca and Biocon.

MedPacto recently picked Dr. Timothy Allen, who led global clinical trials at AstraZeneca and Sanofi, as head of its American operations. Dr. Allen who spent over 20 years leading research projects will work as vice president of MedPacto Therapeutics and oversee global clinical trials of the company’s investigational oncology drug vactosertib.

Garheng Kong
In March, Lunit named Garheng Kong, founder of HealthQuest, a U.S. healthcare investment company, as its new board member. Lunit expects Kong to be part of its strategic decision process for global business expansion.

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