Kim Sae-ron apologizes for drunken collisions

이재림 2022. 5. 20. 16:08
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Actor Kim Sae-ron uploaded a handwritten apology on her Instagram account Thursday night admitting to wild drunk driving. She also dropped out of the upcoming SBS drama series "Trolley." On Wednesday morning, Kim was reported to have..

Actor Kim Sae-ron uploaded a handwritten apology on her Instagram account Thursday night admitting to wild drunk driving. She also dropped out of the upcoming SBS drama series “Trolley.”

On Wednesday morning, Kim was reported to have damaged more than three lampposts and several guardrails while driving under the influence of alcohol in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul. Her SUV crashed into an electric transformer, cutting off electricity to nearby cafes for several hours.

“I destroyed public property in the Gangnam District around 8 a.m. on May 18,” she wrote. “I was drunk and made a huge mistake.

“Due to my wrong judgement and behavior, I caused so much damage to the storeowners, citizens and to those who have to restore the property. I should have been more prudent and act responsibly, but I didn’t. I am truly sorry.”

She also apologized to actors, staff and crew on her series.

Kim kept driving despite the collisions until she was stopped by the police. She failed a breathalyzer test and had her blood drawn for further analysis.

She dropped out of SBS series “Trolley” to repent for her actions. She also has a role on the Netflix original series “Hunting Dogs,” but her shooting schedule is being adjusted, according to Netflix Korea.


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