Kolmar Korea buys 'Kolmar' trademark rights from U.S. owner

Lee Sae-bom and Minu Kim 2022. 5. 18. 15:18
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Kolmar Korea, a custom manufacturer of cosmetics and personal care products, has acquired global trademark ownership from Kolmar America, the original right holder, for the first time in its 32-year history, paving the way for business expansion under the exclusive brand name in 20 major markets, including the United States and Europe.

Kolmar Korea Holdings announced on Tuesday it signed an agreement on the acquisition of the entirety of the global trademark rights from Kolmar America established in 1921. It marks the first time that a Korean enterprise has bought brand name rights from its global headquarters in the cosmetics and healthcare sector.

Kolmar Korea was founded as a joint venture with Kolmar Japan in 1989 and obtained a license for cosmetics manufacturing in 1990. Both Korean and Japanese entities have a name rooted in Kolmar Laboratories established in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1921. Kolmar Korea was not allowed to use the brand for its subsidiaries and production sites in the U.S. and Canada because of legal constraints.

With the trademark acquisition, Kolmar Korea is planning to strengthen its marketing position in the U.S. and launch a new namesake entity in Singapore. Process Technologies and Packaging (PTP), Kolmar Korea’s U.S. entity will be renamed into Kolmar USA, and its Canadian entity into Kolmar Canada.

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