gl cs 2022. 5. 18. 04:31
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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Needing urgent renovation of the brown bear enclosure, Skopje Zoo decided to transfer two of the four bears living in the enclosure to the Arosa Bear Sanctuary in the Swiss Alps

epa09953487 The vets put Mirka the bear, 18 years old, in the cage for transport to Switzerland, at Skopje's ZOO in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, 17 May 2022. Needing urgent renovation of the brown bear enclosure, Skopje Zoo decided to transfer two of the four bears living in the enclosure to the Arosa Bear Sanctuary in the Swiss Alps. To improve the living conditions of the brown bears living in the enclosure, the Zoo officials reached out to Four Paws, a welfare organization for animals under direct human influence, who took over the 18-year old male brown bear and his sister of the same age to give them a new life in the bear sanctuary in Switzerland. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI

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