KAUST Spins-in Five Cutting-Edge International Startups and Brings New Tech to Saudi Arabia
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THUWAL, Saudi Arabia -- Businesswire -- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has recently wrapped up ‘Destination Deep Tech,’ a Saudi-first program that spins in leading-edge global startups to the Kingdom to develop deep tech innovations. The international startups - CeEntek, Hopu, Insignes-Labs, Pasqal, and Proteinea - were chosen to experience the three-month program as a result of their highly advanced technology expansion into the MENA region.
“KAUST is the Deep Tech Heart of the Saudi Economy, and so we are delighted to welcome these talented international startups to KAUST and the Kingdom as part of Destination Deep Tech,” said Dr. Kevin Cullen, Vice President of KAUST Innovation.
Pasqal, from France, is a leading European Quantum Computing startup that provides a full-stack solution from hardware to applications. Their goal is to bring the quantum advantage faster to end-users. Pasqal has recently signed an MoU with Aramco and is currently looking to establish a commercial presence in the region.
Insignes-Labs, from Poland, develops antimicrobial additives to protect a wide range of materials from microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi and molds. The company is currently running a pilot program with KAUST startup Red Sea Farms while applying for a KAUST Technology Transfer Impact Acceleration Fund to further collaborate with the University and bring the product to market.
Proteinia, from Egypt, is a platform technology that harnesses the power of AI, deep learning models and biological automation for protein design and production. By fast-tracking the commercialization of key optimized protein products, Proteinia aims to serve the areas of human health, aquaculture industries, and sustainable food technologies.
CeEntek, from Singapore, delivers Ultra-High Performance Concrete for increased sustainability and efficiency of construction projects. Their innovative manufacturing process allows for UHPC 2.0™ concrete solutions in a wide range of markets and applications.
Hopu, from Spain, provides AI-based IoT devices and sensors for Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities, covering air quality monitoring, noise, energy metering and more. The company is deploying its air quality sensors in the KAUST network through a collaboration with KAUST Smart and KAUST academics.
The Next Web (TNW) is the team behind Destination Deep Tech. It helps corporations and governments to innovate together with the startup ecosystem and ensured that top talent was recruited for the program.
*Source: AETOSWire
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220516005518/en/
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