Women empowerment, net-zero: Hana Financial bolsters ESG efforts

2022. 5. 16. 15:16
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Logo of Hana Financial Group (Hana Financial Group)

South Korea‘s Hana Financial Group announced Monday its support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and said that it has joined the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, as part of its efforts to bolster ESG value in its management.

The WEPs is a joint initiative by UN Women and UN Global Compact to promote women’s empowerment in the workplace and community. Hana said it will expand gender equality in its workplace by providing additional promotion and education opportunities for its female employees.

Hana will also readjust and publish its annual carbon emission targets as part of its decision to join the NZBA, a UN-affiliated coalition of financial businesses that seek to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.  

“Hana will try its best institutionally to support the expansion of women empowerment programs and to establish actual gender equality in its corporate culture,” while also “continuing its efforts in achieving net-zero economy,” said a Hana official.

Meanwhile, the financial company has established its strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials last month.

By Lee Seung-ku (seungku99@heraldcorp.com)

By Lee Seung-ku(seungku99@heraldcorp.com)

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