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epa09940179 A handout picture made available by Regiment Azov press service shows an injured Ukrainian serviceman in a shelter at the Azovstal Iron and Steel Plant in Mariupol, Ukraine, 10 May 2022 (issued 11 May 2022). The Regiment Azov via their Telegram channel on 10 May 2022 have described the situation of their servicemen as "complete unsanitary conditions, with open wounds bandaged with non-sterile remnants of bandages, without the necessary medication and even food" and demanded evacuation to Ukrainian-controlled territory. On 24 February, Russian troops entered Ukrainian territory starting a conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. According to data released by the UNHCR on 10 May, close to six million Ukrainians have fled their country since 24 February 2022. EPA/REGIMENT AZOV PRESS SERVICE HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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