Boy band ASTRO to release third full-length album on May 15

임승혜 2022. 4. 26. 14:07
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Boy band ASTRO will release its third full-length album "Drive to the Starry Road" on May 15. It's the boy band's first full-length in about a year since its second "All Yours" last April..
Boy band ASTRO [MBC]

Boy band ASTRO will release its third full-length album “Drive to the Starry Road” on May 15. It’s the boy band’s first full-length in about a year since its second “All Yours” last April.

Astro’s label Fantagio said Tuesday that the upcoming album will showcase the band’s “refreshing charm.”

“Last year, ASTRO set its best record by becoming No. 1 at a music show of a major broadcasting station and we hope the boys continue to show their best,” the label said.

Following the release, the boy band will hold a two-day concert on May 28 and 29 at the Jamsil Indoor Stadium in southern Seoul. Tickets to “The 3rd ASTROAD to Seoul [STARGAZER]” concert, priced at 132,000 won ($105.80), went open on Monday.

ASTRO debuted in 2016 with the lead track “Hide & Seek” from the EP “Spring Up.” The band has six members: MJ, JinJin, Moonbin, Rocky, Sanha and Cha Eun-woo. It is best known for songs “Crazy Sexy Cool” (2017), “Blue Flame” (2019), “Knock” (2020) and “One” (2021).


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