Hyundai Motor enhances communication with minority shareholders via YouTube IR

Seo Jin-woo and Lee Ha-yeon 2022. 3. 23. 14:09
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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Hyundai Motor Co., the third retail favorite stock, is including individual shareholders in its IR presentations.

The company last week held an online investor day via YouTube that was open to every institutional and individual investors, as well as analysts, to explain the company’s mid- to long-term electrification strategy announced during the 2022 CEO Investor Day presentation earlier this month.

Yoon Tae-sik, head of IR division at Hyundai Motor, and Jang Moon-soo, an analyst at Hyundai Motor Securities, explained Hyundai Motor’s electric vehicle business in details including product lineup and production target, financial goals of the company, as well as shareholder rewards program ahead of the annual shareholders meeting due on Thursday.

For better understanding of nonprofessional individual investors, the company provided a detailed explanation as to what the company announced earlier, as well as the current status and future plan for the Russian automotive market and chip supply issue.

Its first-ever online IR session was held as part of its efforts to enhance communication with shareholders. Hyundai Motor has held an annual CEO Investor Day event since 2019, introduced the electronic vote system for annual shareholders’ meeting in 2020, and released its guidance for annual earnings since 2021.

Hyundai Motor is the third retail favorite after Samsung Electronics and Kakao after it has attracted more than 1 million individual shareholders. A total of 1,062,281 small retail investors held Hyundai Motor shares as of the end of 2021, adding 82.6 percent from a year earlier. The count topped 1 million for the first time last year.

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