Miracell to advance into Middle East with stem cell extraction technology
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The company’s afternoons are entirely devoted to videoconferencing with potential buyers in the Middle East, the company’s chief executive Shin Hyun-soon told Maeil Business Newspaper in a recent interview.
Miracell founded 2009 has been dedicated to stem cell therapy, cell banking, medical devices and cosmetics business.
Stem cells need to be separated and concentrated as the amount extracted from the human body is very small. Miracell developed a stem cell extraction device with its own technology and received 'new health technology' certification in February last year from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
The company’s Smart M-CELL2 is a regenerative medical device designed to extract a large amount of automatically separated stem cells by concentrating cells from whole blood and bone marrow.
It can separate and extract about 2.9 billion cells per time within one hour. These cells are being used for treatment purposes in major hospitals in Korea. Anticipation is high for the Smart M-CELL2 as the device was superior to Smart PReP2 from Harvard University’s immunology research center in terms of cell viability and recovery rate in clinical trials conducted by Seoul Medical Science Institute and Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Shin said.
The company is exploring strategic partnerships and business growth opportunities with fast-track entry into the global market after the device was well received during Arab Health 2022 held in Dubai early this year. The company is also aiming to develop a mobile app that will serve as a global platform connecting patients and hospitals for stem cell therapy around the world.
[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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