Korean digital healthcare to leverage on data buildup for telemedicine solutions

Chung Seul-gi and Minu Kim 2022. 2. 7. 15:30
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[Graphics by Song Ji-yoon]
Korean B2B-focused digital healthcare companies are actively expanding their target market to include general consumers through personalized health data and non-face-to-face GP appointments and care as Covid-19 gave traction to long-stalemated telemedicine service in Korea.

Digital healthcare company EvidNet recently announced it said it is planning to provide users with a chronic disease prediction service based on their health checkup and medical records in the first half of this year to strengthen its personalized MyData business.

The company has standardized tens of billions of medical records in connection with domestic hospitals and has been providing big data analysis to pharmaceutical companies. It recently added medical MyData business as another growth engine to prepare digital services.

Medical MyData will help customers manage their health by assessing the likelihood of getting chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disease and predict one’s own risk with a health score that can be compared with others in the same age group, said the company’s chief executive Cho In-san.

With medical MyData, it will eventually be possible to match subjects and companies for easy patient recruiting in clinical trials, he added.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare previously announced that it will build 'My Health Way', a MyData platform, by the end of this year to provide services by integrating scattered health data.

Another digital healthcare company Life Semantics is active in non-face-to-face sales support services for insurance companies and a platform for sharing treatment experiences among cancer patients and survivors as part of its MyData business. The company aims to grow business with B2B and B2C medical MyData business, non-face-to-face care, and digital treatment, among others.

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