Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association Announces New Members

2022. 2. 3. 09:57
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HOLLYWOOD, Fla. -- Businesswire -- The Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association (AMGTA), a global trade organization created to promote the environmental benefits of additive manufacturing (AM), announced today that five additional leading AM companies have joined the trade group to advance sustainability in AM, bringing its active membership ranks to 40 members.

Joining the AMGTA as a new Founding Member is Höganäs, a world leader in metal powder printing solutions with production alloys catering to all different printing technologies and a total annual capacity of over 500,000 tonnes of metal powders produced at 17 strategically located facilities in 11 countries. Höganäs will serve alongside existing Founding Members Desktop Metal, a leader in mass production of additive manufacturing (AM) solutions; Divergent Technologies, the world leader in design, printing, and assembly of optimized and sustainable vehicle structures using a fully adaptive end-to-end production system; QC Laboratories, an advanced non-destructive testing laboratory focused on AM components; Sintavia, a designer and 3D printer of advanced propulsion and thermodynamic systems for flight and launch customers; Stratasys, a global leader in polymer 3D printing solutions for industries such as aerospace, automotive, consumer products, and healthcare; and Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporation (one of the operating companies under Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation), a supplier of stable industrial gases to a wide variety of global industries. These Founding Members determine the strategic direction of the AMGTA, provide governance oversight, and consider future research projects that members may vote to commission.

Joining the AMGTA as new Participating Members are: Arkema, a pioneer and leader in high-performance materials for 3D printing that continues to provide innovative and sustainable new materials solutions for all major 3D printing technologies; Flam3D, the independent platform for all stakeholders active in 3D printing and additive manufacturing in Belgium and the Netherlands; Massivit 3D, the leader in high speed, large-scale 3D printing systems for a range of industries and innovations to expand larger format material options; and the UK National Centre for Additive Manufacturing (NCAM), based at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, which helps companies shape their AM strategy, develop their AM products and processes, and implement AM into production.

These new Participating Members will serve alongside existing Participating Members 3D Metalforge, 3D Systems, 3YOURMIND, 6K, Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing (ACAM), AMEXCI, AMT, BASF 3D Printing Solutions, Danish AM Hub, DyeMansion, EOS, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), GE Additive, HP, Hyperion Metals, Kurtz Ersa, Materialise, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, NatureWorks, Nexa3D, Rusal America, Siemens Digital Industries Software, SLM Solutions, Stryker, Tekna Advanced Materials, The Barnes Global Advisors, Trane Technologies, and TRUMPF.

“I’m delighted to officially welcome aboard Höganäs, our new Founding Member, as well as each of our new Participating Member organizations,” said Sherry Handel, Executive Director of the AMGTA. “Our esteemed global trade consortium supports our mission and provides a solid foundation as we continue to grow and strategically invest in environmental sustainability research projects in additive manufacturing. I look forward to working with each of our members as we expand the AMGTA as the key industry resource committed to advancing sustainability in the AM industry.”

About AMGTA. The AMGTA was launched in November 2019 to promote the environmental benefits of additive manufacturing (AM) over traditional methods of manufacturing. The AMGTA is a non-commercial, unaffiliated organization open to any additive manufacturer or industry stakeholder that meets certain criteria relating to sustainability of production or process.

For more information, please contact Sherry Handel, at +1 954.308.0888, or visit

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