STR MD 2022. 1. 28. 22:24
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Pro-Yemen Rally in Tehran

epa09714243 An Iranian woman holds an anti-US placard during a Pro-Yemen rally after Friday's prayers in Tehran, Iran, 28 January 2022. The Iranian government has condemned the Saudi Arabian?led intervention in Yemen since 2015. The Saudi-UAE-led coalition continues to wage airstrikes on Houthi positions across Yemen in a recent escalation to the war in the Arab country after the Houthis launched armed drones and ballistic missiles attacks on the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Yemen has been in the grip of a power struggle between the Saudi-backed government and the Houthis since late 2014, which sparked a full-blown armed conflict in March 2015 when the military coalition launched an airstrike campaign against the Houthis, claiming the lives of 377,000 people by the end of 2021. EPA/STRINGER

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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