Stellantis China

CRO 2022. 1. 28. 22:15
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FILE - The Stellantis sign outside is shown on Jan. 19, 2021 at the Chrysler Technology Center in Auburn Hills, Mich. Carmaker Stellantis moves to consolidate its position in fast-growing China looked off to a rocky start after one of its JV partners said it hadn’t been consulted before an announcement of plans to take a controlling stake. Stellantis plans to lay out its strategy March 1, but has offered some hints in announcements this week. They include plans to increase the stake in Chinese partner GAC Stellantis from 50% to 75% under new rules allowing more foreign investment, and an announcement Friday that the other JV, with Dongfeng, had doubled sales in 2021. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File) FILE

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