Netmarble applying metaverse, blockchain, NFT on mobile games

Kim Dae-eun and Cho Jeehyun 2022. 1. 28. 14:15
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[Photo provided by Netmarble Corp.]
Netmarble Corp. is joining the bandwagon of applying metaverse, blockchain and non-fungible token (NFT) technologies to mobile games.

“This is the best time” to start new business in the areas from metaverse to blockchain and NFT as the pandemic has accelerated the virtual world’s growth," said Bang Jun-hyuk, Netmarble founder and chairman, at press conference on Thursday. “The company has waited long for social consensus to be built with fears there could be adverse response on the new technology,” said Bang.

The mobile game developer, best known for role playing games Seven Knights and Marvel: Future Fight, plans to take its first step in blockchain industry largely in two ways.

The company will incorporate blockchain technology into its mobile games. And its game developing subsidiary Netmarble F&C will apply blockchain technology via digital contents, such as web comics and fictions. E-commerce business is also to be added for blockchain ecosystem development.

Foray into metaverse industry will begin through its flagship casual game Everybody’s Marble. The game company is preparing to launch 'Everybody’s Marble: Metaworld,' a sequel that allows players construct buildings and trade real estates in virtual world with NFT applied for authenticating the digital works. Players will also be able to convert virtual money earned in the mobile game into real cash.

“The goal is to enable users, from individual game players to companies, to win fame and actively engage in economic activities in the virtual world,” said Bang.

Netmarble will introduce play-to-earn feature, which allows game players to earn rewards and money in the game they play, outside Korea in compliance with ban in the country.

In addition to its inroads into new technology field, the game company will increase efforts on expanding its global presence through release of new titles, including ‘BTS Dream: Titan House’ and ‘Game of Thrones.’

The company generates 74 percent of its sales from the overseas market now, versus 28 percent from five year ago, according to Bang. The company projects overseas business to contribute more than 80 percent to sales this year.

[ㄏ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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