Korean manufacturing lines keep strict quarantine rules amid Omicron fears

Han Woo-ram and Minu Kim 2022. 1. 28. 09:03
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South Korean major companies like Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motor remain vigilant to keep their production line running amid explosive growth in Omicron cases in the country, clinging to strict self-quarantine rules for employees, contrary to the government’s measure to ease restrictions on vaccinated people.

Local health authorities launched a new virus response system on Wednesday, exempting vaccinated close contacts from quarantine mandates despite the Omicron spread.

But concerns are growing among the country’s major conglomerates as even a small number of breakthrough infections could bring an entire production line to a halt given the new dominant variant's highly contagious nature.

A Samsung Electronics official said on Thursday the company still maintains its work-from-home rule for employees who come into close contact with a Covid-19 patient to contain the virus spread in the workplace despite the government’s policy change.

Samsung’s semiconductor line relies on a shift system that uses four teams and three 8-hour shifts to provide 24/7 coverage. If a confirmed case is identified in the workplace, all close contacts are removed from their team and immediately replaced by other workers.

Maeil Business Newspaper has found no major companies in Korea have withdrawn or eased self-quarantine regulations for vaccinated close contacts. Hyundai Motor said it will maintain its current contingency plan and quarantine measures that have been in place since the start of the pandemic despite the government’s relaxed quarantine rules.

Some companies are further tightening their rules due to concerns about the Omicron’s rapid expansion. An LG Group official said all LG companies have already raised the percentage of employees who work from home to more than 50 percent from the previous 30 percent.

An SK Chemical official said plant workers are divided into two groups to minimize mingling in the use of lounge facilities or personal movement.

Under the government’s new rule, a vaccinated patient should self-quarantine for seven days, but a steel company official said his company mandates 14-day home quarantine for fully vaccinated but infected employees, and this is to avoid disruption of the steel production line, which must operate 24 hours a day.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]

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