tm cs 2022. 1. 21. 07:37
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Nuclear Energy statue and the Doomsday Clock

epa09698605 A woman walks past the statue titled Nuclear Energy, created between 1963 and 1967 by artist Henry Moore (1898-1967) standing on the University of Chicago Campus near the location where in 1942 Italian scientist Enrico Fermi and his team produced man's first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction, in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 20 January 2022. The event led to the development of the atomic bomb. On 20 January 2022 the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced the 75th annual report of the Doomsday Clock which remains set at 100 seconds to midnight. The clock is an indication of how close we are to destroying the world. EPA/TANNEN MAURY

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