Diligent Achieves Benchmark of 8,500 Mission-Driven Clients in 2021, Outpacing Other Industry Software Providers
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NEW YORK -- Businesswire -- Diligent, the global leader in modern governance providing SaaS solutions across governance, risk, compliance and ESG, today announces incredibly strong year-over-year growth for its mission-driven business, resulting in more than 8,500 clients across public sector, community healthcare, primary education and nonprofit entities globally. Due to the pandemic, nearly every organization has had to bring their leadership and governance online, and as a result, Diligent’s BoardEffect software, a board management solution optimized for nonprofit organizations, has been implemented by nearly triple the boards and committees of any other provider focused on that sector.
Since 2017, Diligent has delivered collaboration tools and technology that enable public sector, community healthcare, education, and nonprofit groups to digitally transform their governance capabilities by driving efficiencies, protecting sensitive information, enabling transparency and navigating remote collaboration effectively. Diligent recognized that the burden falls on leaders and board members to drive digital transformation initiatives, often with limited resources and expertise. In response, the company created cost-effective tools that support nimble and live meeting coordination within a secure virtual sphere, so organizations and the communities they serve can maintain continuity and connectivity, while functioning remotely in a rapidly changing, virtual world.
“At Diligent, we understand that mission-driven customers face unique challenges but often aren’t governance professionals or risk and compliance practitioners. We listen closely and help them articulate their specific demands so we can provide solutions to address those needs,” said MarKeith Allen, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Mission-Driven Organizations at Diligent. “We bring corporate sector expertise to the nonprofit world to help them navigate the increasingly complex landscape of responsibilities and duties by delivering industry-specific modern governance solutions to help streamline board management processes in a secure way.”
“Addressing the challenges of mission-driven organizations with limited resources emphasizes the need for risk management, compliance and good governance more than ever before,” stated Brian Stafford, CEO of Diligent. “Part of our focus at Diligent is giving back to the communities and nonprofits where we live. That’s why being a leader in this space is key to who we are and the company we aspire to build.”
About Diligent:
Diligent is the global leader in modern governance, providing SaaS solutions across governance, risk, compliance and ESG. Serving more than 1 million users from over 25,000 customers around the world, we empower transformational leaders with technology, insights and confidence to drive greater impact and lead with purpose. Learn more at diligent.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220113005216/en/
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출처:Diligent Corporation
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