ase 2022. 1. 13. 19:54
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Drugs addiction - a challenge for Taliban government to root out the menace from the society

epa09682181 (02/19) Afghan men addicted to heroin and methamphetamines gather to take drugs e in Kabul, Afghanistan, 14 December 2021 (issued 13 January 2022).

Homeless Afghans addicted to drugs gather underneath bridges to take drugs and are often rounded up, beaten and forcibly taken to treatment centres by the Taliban to avoid visible casualities in harsh winter conditions. The ward in Kabul has some 350 staff and can cater to around 1,000 patients. Yet it is occupied by around 3,500 drugs addicts who have been brought there by the Taliban. A handful of rehabilitation centers are run by private charity in other cities as well.

Afghanistan is one of the leading producers of heroin and methamphetamine in the world. Most of the drugs produced are exported to the world's black markets. However, a significant proportion of drugs are deposited within the country. The recent withdrawal of NATO forces and the return of the Taliban in August 2021 resulted in the end of foreign financial support, the blocking of the country's foreign assets and the eventual collapse of the economy. For most Afghan addicts, drugs are a way to hide from unsolvable problems. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV ATTENTION: For the full PHOTO ESSAY text please see Advisory Notice epa09682179

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