Obit-Mike Cochran

2022. 1. 13. 10:32
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FILE - In this Nov. 25 ,1963, file photo, newsmen, including Mike Cochran, second pallbearer from left, covering the funeral of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, carry the casket to the grave site at Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth, Texas, after pallbearers could not be found. Cochran, who during a nearly 40-year career with The Associated Press told the stories of Texas' larger-than life characters with his rich and detailed writing, and who ended up serving as a pallbearer for Lee Harvey Oswald while covering the presidential assassin's funeral, died late Tuesday night, Jan. 11, 2022, after a long battle with cancer, said longtime friend and former AP executive John O. Lumpkin. He was 85. (AP Photo/File) A NOV. 25, 1963 FILE PHOTO

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