DFA LB 2022. 1. 12. 23:15
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Number portability arrives in Uruguay under the shadow of its possible repeal

epa09680501 View of a store belonging to a cell phone company in Montevideo, Uruguay, 11 January 2022 (issued 12 January 2022). The importance of taking care of public companies and the right of users to preserve their digital identity are opposed poles in the long debate generated in Uruguay over number portability, which comes into force on 12 January, but under the threat of its possible repeal within of a few months. Discussed in Parliament and voted within the Urgent Consideration Law (LUC), the flagship of Luis Lacalle Pou's Government for 2020-2025, it will allow a customer to keep their phone number even if they change operator, which leaves Uruguay one of the last countries in the region to offer it. EPA/RAUL MARTINEZ

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