of sq 2022. 1. 10. 18:28
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Russian President Vladimir Putin attends CSTO Collective Security Council virtual meeting

epa09676867 Russian President Vladimir Putin attends an extraordinary session of the Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) via a video conference at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia, 10 January 2022. The meeting focuses on the situation in Kazakhstan and measures to stabilize it. In accordance with the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council adopted on 06 January 2022, the collective peacekeeping forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), including units of the Armed Forces of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, were sent to Kazakhstan at the request of the Kazakh president to normalize the situation in the country. Mass protests erupted in Kazakhstan in the first days of 2022 over the rise in prices of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is widely used to refuel cars. EPA/ALEXEI NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT

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