LG Electronics joins the IBM Quantum Network

박은지 2022. 1. 10. 18:19
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LG Electronics is joining an IBM quantum computing alliance, giving the company access to next-generation computing systems for the areas such as artificial intelligence, big data and robotics.
Image of a quantum computing system [IBM]

LG Electronics is joining an IBM quantum computing alliance, giving the company access to next-generation computing systems for the areas such as artificial intelligence, big data and robotics.

As a member of the IBM Quantum Network, LG Electronics will be able to utilize IBM's quantum computing systems and Qiskit, an open-source quantum information software development kit.

Quantum computing is capable of solving certain types of problems — especially those involving many variables — much faster than classical computers. Its basic unit of information is a qubit rather than a bit.

The potential of quantum computing remained largely theoretical until 2019 when Google claimed that it proved "quantum supremacy" by crunching a specific task in 200 seconds that would have taken the world's best supercomputer 10,000 years to complete.

Samsung Electronics, Boeing, Goldman Sachs and ExxonMobil are some of the members of the network.

"Based on our open innovation strategy, we plan to use IBM Quantum to develop our competency in quantum computing," said Kim Byoung-hoon, CTO and Executive Vice President of LG Electronics.

"We aim to provide customers with value that they have not experienced so far by leveraging quantum computing technology in future businesses."

Jay Gambetta, IBM Fellow and Vice President of quantum computing at IBM echoed the expectation.

"The relationship between IBM and LG Electronics will permit LG to explore new types of problems associated with emerging technologies and will help strengthen the quantum capabilities in Korea," the executive said in a statement.

BY PARK EUN-JEE [park.eunjee@joongang.co.kr]

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