Maeil Business Newspaper joins as first media validator for health data blockchain

Pulse 2022. 1. 7. 14:18
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Maeil Business Newspaper, well known for its English news service ‘Pulse’ overseas, has partnered with MediBloc and Korea Data Exchange (KDX) to boost the expansion of the healthcare data ecosystem in Korea, becoming the country’s first corporate data validator as a media outlet.

MediBloc is the operator of Panacea, which is a high-performing blockchain optimized to protect privacy and ensure the reliability of healthcare data, and KDX is the country's first privately-run data exchange serving as a key platform for buyers and sellers of data.

MediBloc dedicated to a patient-centric medical information platform since its founding in 2017, aims to open the era of MyData in the medical field by allowing patients to independently manage their own healthcare data.

The medical information management system in Korea is built around hospitals rather than patients, making it impossible for patients to systematically manage and maintain their own data. Maeil Business Newspaper and MediBloc decided to join hands to improve this situation and help expand the healthcare data ecosystem.

Maeil Business Newspaper is the first media company in the Panacea’s validator team which has been led by Hashed and Hanwha Systems’ subsidiary Enterprise Blockchain.

The stakeholders will also seek the expansion of the healthcare data ecosystem. KDX and MediBloc will collaborate to distribute medical information data gathered to Panacea. Sensitive healthcare data can be anonymized to be used for drug development and medical artificial intelligence software.

The two companies plan to provide rewards by introducing the MyData concept to the medical information field using blockchain technology.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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