Jang Sung-woo signs four-year deal to stay at KT

Jim Bulley 2021. 12. 20. 19:05
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Free agent catcher Jang Sung-woo has opted to stay with the KT Wiz, signing a four-year deal worth 4.2 billion won ($3.5 million) on Monday.
Jang Sung-woo [KT WIZ]

Free agent catcher Jang Sung-woo has opted to stay with the KT Wiz, signing a four-year deal worth 4.2 billion won ($3.5 million) on Monday.

Jang will earn 2 billion won in guaranteed salary over the four years, along with 400 million won in incentives and a 1.8 billion won signing bonus.

Jang joined the Lotte Giants in 2008 and made his KBO debut in 2009. He joined the KT Wiz when the club joined the league in 2015, taking a regular spot in the starting rotation for the first time in his career. In 10 seasons in the KBO, Jang batted .257 with 662 hits, 71 home runs and 388 RBIs in 974 games.

While announcing that Jang had re-signed with the club, KT credited the catcher as playing a huge role in the club winning its first Korean Series this year. The statement from the club highlighted his role in shaping the young pitching staff and effectively leading them from behind the plate, as well as developing into a significant presence at-bat.

"I thank the club for signing me on good terms," Jang said. "KT offered me a turning point in my professional life and I always will be grateful for that. We will not only win another title next season, but we will do our best to perform as true defending champions, both for each other and for the fans."

BY JIM BULLEY [jim.bulley@joongang.co.kr]

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