lk LB 2021. 12. 4. 22:13
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Abidjan March Against Violence Against Women and Girls

epa09620520 Protesters holds a poster where it is written (stop sexual violence) during the march against violence against women and girls, in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 04 December 2021. The Ivorian Minister of Women, Family and Children organizes 16 days of activism with the key to the situation of violence suffered by women and girls. Emphasis is placed on rape and the mechanism for dealing with victims. Many Ivorian women are exposed to gender-based violence. In Abidjan, the country's economic capital alone, nearly 2,500 cases of violence towards women were recorded in 2019 and 2020, according to an NGO study made public on the sidelines of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence in the World. EPA/LEGNAN KOULA

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