WH MS 2021. 11. 22. 23:59
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78th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence Day

epa09597657 Lebanese women hold up placards showing the national flag with the words 'IRAN OUT 1559' as they take part in a civilian parade on the 78th anniversary of Lebanon's Independence Day under the slogan 'People, Army and Justice' in Beirut, Lebanon, 22 November 2021. Lebanon celebrates the 78th anniversary of its independence with protesters marking the day by holding various events, such as marching groups of doctors, lawyers, engineers, industrialists, women's associations, retired soldiers and army officers. Independence Day commemorates Lebanon's liberation from the French Mandate on 22 November 1943. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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