RG MS 2021. 11. 22. 23:35
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Romanian president appoints Nicolae Ciuca as prime minister-designate

epa09597625 (FILE) - Romania's President Klaus Iohannis (R) and designated Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca (L) hold a joint press statement at Cotroceni Presidential palace, in Bucharest, Romania, 21 October 2021 (reissued 22 November 2021). Romanian President Iohannis announced on 22 November 2021, that he appointed retired army general Nicolae Ciuca as prime minister designate to form a government team and to appear before the Romanian Parliament for the vote of confidence. It was proposed by a new coalition formed by the PSD (Social Democratic Party), PNL (National Liberal Party), UDMR (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania) and national minorities. Nicolae Ionel Ciuca, 54, currently serving as acting Defense Minister, is a Romanian politician and retired general of the Romanian Army, who served in the Iraq war as Chief of Staff of the Romanian forces, and, for a short term, was leading a caretaker government in December 2020. Ciuca failed in October, when nominated for the second time, to pass his cabinet through parliament. Now he is backed by a larger party alliance, and he will try on 25 November 2021, to pass his cabinet through parliament procedures. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

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