"Moon to the Window (or Detention Center)" Kim So-yeon Released from Her Position after News of Her Joining Yoon Seok-youl's Campaign Got Out

Jo Mun-hui 2021. 11. 3. 16:04
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Attorney Kim So-yeon. Captured from Kim’s Facebook

The day the news got out that lawyer Kim So-yeon, chief of the municipal administration monitoring team at the People Power Party’s Daejeon office, joined former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-youl’s election campaign, she was released from her position. Last year, Kim stirred controversy after hanging a placard with the words, “The Moon to the Window (The Korean word for ‘window’ could also be read as a ‘military detention center.’ Thus this phrase can be interpreted as a demand that President Moon be sent to prison.),” in downtown Daejeon. She also came under fire for controversial comments condemning the party’s leader Lee Jun-seok, whom she once called a “retard.” Yoon’s camp appears to have decided to remove Kim because of her negative image.

A representative of Yoon Seok-youl’s campaign told the reporter over the phone on November 2, “We dismissed Kim because her past comments have recently stirred controversy.”

This day was also the day that news of Kim’s joining Yoon’s camp got out. According to Yoon’s camp, Kim joined them on October 26 and served as the vice director of Organization Division 1.

This day, in an interview with the press, Kim said, “Watching Yoon, who was sincere and confident, unlike the politicians who seemed to think hypocrisy--actions not matching words--was natural, I thought he had the qualities of a leader, whom I could trust and put in charge (of the Republic of Korea),” and explained why she supported Yoon.

Earlier during the Chuseok holidays in 2020, Kim stirred controversy by hanging a placard with the words “The Moon to the Window” in downtown Daejeon. The word “moon” is used in some online communities to refer to President Moon Jae-in. Kim voluntarily stepped down from her position as the head of the party’s local office at the time after the placard triggered a heated debate. Also last July, Kim resorted to insults condemning People Power Party leader Lee Jun-seok, calling him a “retard” and the “stupidest of retards.” On October 19, she mentioned the “rigged election of April 15” and asked, “The National Election Commission, the Democratic Party and Cheongwadae are remaining still, yet why is Lee Jun-seok having a fit again?”

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