Retailers up the number of classes as life returns to normal

진민지 2021. 11. 1. 17:02
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Department stores and other large retailers are increasing the number of classes and lectures being offered from December as life in Korea is set to return to normal.
Hyundai Department Store’s culture center at its branch in Yeouido, western Seoul [HYUNDAI DEPARTMENT STORE]

Department stores and other large retailers are increasing the number of classes and lectures being offered from December as life in Korea is set to return to normal.

These programs are popular in Korea but were curtailed due to the pandemic.

Since last year, most retailers reduced the number of classes that involve children to prevent the spread of the virus. Those classes will resume from December, though the number of classes is still below pre-Covid-19 levels.

Lotte Department Store said it is increasing the number of winter classes by more than 10 percent compared to the fall season. Classes in 20 categories are being offered this winter.

Numerous topics, including cocktail mixing, art, space, investment and the metaverse will be available Dec. 1 through February 28.

Reservations for these classes were taken starting last week.

Lotte said the number of students signing up for fall classes increased more than 15 percent compared to the summer season as life starts to return to the normal.

Hyundai Department Store will also be offering more lectures from December through February.

The department store, which started taking reservations last week, said it is increasing the number of classes by 10 to 20 percent for winter compared to fall.

Focus for this winter season is art investment and golf. The number of classes for these topics will be doubled compared to December last year.

The company said it is expanding the number of lectures in anticipation of the “With Corona” era.

The company said it will raise the number of classes this winter by 10 percent compared to last December because “online lectures are less seasonal and we’ve seen demand for these classes increase recently,” said a spokesperson for the company.

Homeplus said it is focused on classes for babies and parents this winter.

The discount mart chain said it raised the number of classes for the winter by five percent compared to the previous season.

For those fully vaccinated, Homeplus will make available singing and dancing classes.


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