People's Response to Easing Regulations on Restaurant Business Hours: "Timely" 47%, "Too Early" 26%

Park Eun-kyung 2021. 11. 1. 16:39
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On the afternoon of October 31, ahead of the “phased return to normal” (with COVID-19), a poster seeking employees willing to work late nights is posted in a restaurant in Seoul. Kwon Do-hyun

On November 1, a survey showed that nearly half of the citizens believed the disease control authority’s decision to ease regulations on business hours for restaurants and other stores came at an appropriate time.

According to a YTN survey of 500 people ages eighteen and older nationwide, conducted by Realmeter on October 29, 47.5% of the respondents answered that the government’s decision to ease restrictions on business hours was a timely measure, while 26.1% answered the measure came “too early,” and 21.8% said it came “too late.”

A closer look according to the respondents’ tendencies showed that 71.1% of progressives and 47.3% of moderates assessed the government’s latest decision as “timely,” while 34.1% of the conservatives said the decision came “too early.”

A look at the respondents’ ages showed that 39.5% of the people ages 18-29 said the government measure came too late, a higher percentage than in other age groups.

The latest survey had a confidence level of 95% with a ±4.4% margin of error.

For more details, please refer to the Realmeter website or the National Election Survey Deliberation Commission website.

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