Naver unveils AI-based new search brand AiRSearch

Hwang Soon-min and Lee Eun-joo 2021. 10. 29. 11:48
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South Korea’s top search engine operator Naver Corp. on Thursday unveiled an artificial intelligence (AI), exploration-based new search brand AiRSearch as part of efforts to upgrade its two-decade-year old integrated search system to ward off global search giant Google Inc.

The development comes in response to a growing number of users going online to not only search for answers but to explore interests, the company explained, adding that 65 percent of its entire search words is exploration-type and that users’ search intention has diversified.

The AI-based new search provides users various smart blocks that offer customized results based on current trend and individual interest. A search of “camping,” for example, would offer smart blocks like camping preparation list, camping equipment, and car camping materials based on user gender and age.

AiRSearch completed its beta test last month and has been applied to lifestyle-related keywords since Oct. 7. Naver plans to gradually expand application to other vertical subjects like shopping this year.

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