Solasia and Nippon Kayaku Announce License Agreement in Japan for New Drug Candidate DARINAPARSIN (SP-02)
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Mr. Kazuto Koizumi, Managing Director and Head of Pharmaceuticals Group of Nippon Kayaku, commented as follows:
"Solasia is a specialty pharmaceutical company that excels in development of innovative medicines in the field of oncology in Japan and other Asian countries. Through the early launch of darinaparsin developed by Solasia, we expect to provide a new treatment option for PTCL, and contribute to patients and their family suffering from the disease, as well as to healthcare professionals."
Mr. Yoshihiro Arai, President and CEO of Solasia, commented as follows:
"Nippon Kayaku is one of Japan's leading pharmaceutical companies with strengths in the field of oncology. We are very pleased to have this opportunity to deliver darinaparsin to nationwide medical institutions providing cancer treatment by utilizing Nippon Kayaku's extensive experience in oncology and strong sales network, and contribute to the treatment of PTCL."
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TOKYO -- Businesswire -- Solasia Pharma K.K. (TOKYO: 4597, Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, President & CEO: Yoshihiro Arai, hereinafter “Solasia”) and Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd. (TOKYO: 4272, Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, President: Atsuhiro Wakumoto) today jointly announced the conclusion of a license agreement for marketing rights to darinaparsin (generic name, development code: SP-02) in Japan (hereinafter “this agreement”).
Darinaparsin is a drug candidate under development by Solasia for relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL). Solasia filed a new drug application with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in June 2021 and expects to launch after obtaining approval from the agency in 2022.
Mr. Kazuto Koizumi, Managing Director and Head of Pharmaceuticals Group of Nippon Kayaku, commented as follows: “Solasia is a specialty pharmaceutical company that excels in development of innovative medicines in the field of oncology in Japan and other Asian countries. Through the early launch of darinaparsin developed by Solasia, we expect to provide a new treatment option for PTCL, and contribute to patients and their family suffering from the disease, as well as to healthcare professionals.”
Mr. Yoshihiro Arai, President and CEO of Solasia, commented as follows: “Nippon Kayaku is one of Japan's leading pharmaceutical companies with strengths in the field of oncology. We are very pleased to have this opportunity to deliver darinaparsin to nationwide medical institutions providing cancer treatment by utilizing Nippon Kayaku’s extensive experience in oncology and strong sales network, and contribute to the treatment of PTCL.”
Based on this agreement, Solasia and Nippon Kayaku will make further efforts to provide a new treatment option to patient suffering from PTCL, for which no standard treatment has been established to date.
About Nippon Kayaku Nippon Kayaku was founded in 1916 as the first industrial explosives manufacturer in Japan. We have developed products to meet the needs of the time by utilizing, combining and transforming our core technologies in the company’s main areas, explosives, dyes, pharmaceuticals and resins. Nippon Kayaku has contributed to realizing a sustainable society through its four businesses of Functional Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Safety Systems, and Agrochemicals. In the Pharmaceuticals Business, Nippon Kayaku specializes in anticancer drugs and other cancer-related products, handling a range of products from new drugs to biosimilars and generics. It strives to provide trustworthy information crucial for understanding anticancer drugs to medical institutions. Please visit the company website at for more information.
About Solasia Please visit the company website at for more information.
About darinaparsin (SP-02) Please visit at
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출처:Solasia Pharma K.K.
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