aespa's Giselle apologizes for mouthing racial slur

임승혜 2021. 10. 25. 16:21
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Girl group aespa's Giselle apologized Monday after becoming embroiled in criticism for mouthing a racial slur in a video she posted over the weekend. The short video clip features her lip-syncing to American rapper Travis Scott's "Love Galore" ..
Giselle, a member of aespa [ILGAN SPORTS]

Girl group aespa's Giselle apologized Monday after becoming embroiled in criticism for mouthing a racial slur in a video she posted over the weekend.

The short video clip features her lip-syncing to American rapper Travis Scott’s “Love Galore” and mouthing lyrics that featured the N-word.

“I would like to apologize for mouthing the offensive word from the lyrics of the song that was playing on-site,” she wrote on aespa’s official Twitter. “I had no intentions of doing it with any purpose and got carried away when one of my favorite artist’s songs was playing. I sincerely apologize. I will continue to learn and be more conscious of my actions.”


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